New shorter letter as example

Please, free Jakub
Dear Sir,
We are aware in the meaning time that Jakub was on a territory of Papua. He was supposed to ask a visa for tourists. For this case the Indonesian Government has done his Job.
Jakob participates to multiple local, cultural, social and environmental associations in Switzerland – country of his residence. Jakub is active with the association Reactiva, the association WBBC Wind of Bethlehem Breath of Charity, and the association Décal’quai for example. Reactiva and WBBC Wind of Bethlehem Breath of Charity are dedicated to the development of a local and ecological agriculture, to the concept of local economy and respect for living beings or positive money.
Jakub stands out by the diversity of his hobbies. He also participates in the local musical scene by doing volunteering work for the artistic association “Décal’quai”, and he is also passionate about oriental cinema.
Moreover, his curiosity for new and different cultures lead him to travel on a regular basis in many countries and to meet local population with the goal of expanding his knowledge and to share his adventures with his friends through picture galleries and documented anecdotes and stories.Jakub worked in factories for handling; chain work. Jakub is not a Journalist even not a spy.
Jakub’s pacifist nature and moral is certain. He would never participate on activities linked to any kind of violence.
Jakub is a simple, modest person, indifferent about money as proven by his involvement in volunteer work.
His interest in firearms is typical in respect of the Swiss tradition, revolving around hunting, shooting sport and social events, and is not in any way linked to any form of immoral desires.
